The success of Amazon, and Ebay and many other retailers has shown the world that E-commerce is the way to go. Every company needs effective e-presence to capture the market share. Today, the Internet is the dominant or even primary sales channel for many businesses. Rapidsoft Systems' E-commerce Solutions practice helps our customers build and maintain effective web presence in order to effectively reach their markets and boost their bottom lines.
Rapidsoft Systems' engineers have been building ecommerce and web sites almost from the days Web opened for commercial use. Our team has an extensive track record of successful e-commerce projects of varying complexity, ranging from simple online stores to large, critical, geographically-distributed s ystems servicing hundreds of thousands of consumer transactions daily.
Key Ecommerce Functions
There are a lot choices of e-commerce platforms being offered by numerous vendors. Thse systems essentially offer the similar functionality. Often such systmes consist of various functionality modeuls. These modules include shopping cart module, Product categories module, products addition and deletion module, management of product inventory. Besides these core modules - ecommerce software include a lot of other functionality such as shipping options management, credit card payment options, inventory control, discount copon management, return merchandise authorization, order fullfilment modules. Also - there are functions to generate reports and analytical data that will help on-line retailers to get meaningful data for their business. Often use of powerful software and components as base and that customizing them for your own use can help businesses cut costs and get in the business in a very short time.
Our technical expertise includes the following:
Examples of Ecommerce Web Stores
Rapidsoft Systems provides leading edge ecommerce development and ecommerce web site design services. We have successfully implemented custom ecommerce web sites and web development solutions for small to medium size companies as well as Fortune 500 companies.
We have built a strong reputation as an ecommerce web site development company by consistently producing ecommerce sites that are great looking, user-friendly, functionally-rich, highly efficient, secure and scalable. We have the experience and resources to deliver top quality e-commerce sites on time and on budget.
Rapidsoft Systems Ecommerce system provides comprehensive Web Store Features. We have created full-featured Web store that provides customers with a simple, accurate online shopping experience. A good design ensures high levels of service with lower costs for your online retail business from the first purchase through to return purchases.
Rapidsoft systems is a reseller of one of the most succesful cart - Big Commerce.
Whether you sell business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) or both, Rapidsoft Systems can create custom solutions that will let you run your entire ecommerce business more efficiently — your Web store, inventory management, order fulfillment, and accounting systems, as well as your customer relationship management software. Deep knowledge of our development team enables you to deliver an intuitive, "" experience to your customers, and better manage and grow your business within a single system.
We provide custom turn-key solutions for a range of industries, including:
Working with our experienced team of Rapidsoft developers offers the following advantages:
We are dedicated to providing innovative and professional services that will exceed your expectations. Please contact us to explore the broad range of solutions we can provide to empower your company to conduct business on the web.
With over 350+ software projects executed, you can simply count on our expertise, experience in giving you the right solution at absolutely lowest possible cost. If you would like more information, or want us to submit an estimate or a "no-obligation" quote for your project, contact us for more information.